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  • I don’t know if anyone else has noticed this on their bike. About two weeks ago I started noticing that the clutch was not completely disengaging at stop lights. If I let off the brakes and not moving the throttle the bike wants to slowly pull forward. A quick rev of the throttle and it usually lets go and sits still. I will be talking to my shop guru tomorrow to see if he has heard anything.
    Trying to find out if the 2017 version of the service manual will cover my 2019 C650Gt. Need to find out how to remove handlebar cover without breaking any tabs.
    Last month an asshole on a pickup ran a red light. I slammed on the brakes in time for him to not hit me but I hit his rear tire and flipped bike out from under me. Almost stopped so bruises only but he took off when I got up. Tupperware wasn’t too bad but forks bent from the twisting impact. $10,000.00+ repair estimate on a 2013 GT. Ins will total it. Have not decided about replacing it.
    Waiting on insurance to tell me if they are going to total my 2013 GT. Guy ran red light. I braked enough he did not hit me, I hit him. Front wheel hit his rear wheel. Forks are twisted and Tupperware damage on right side.
    Greg goes wild
    OUCH sorry to hear that were you injured? It will take a while to get the guys insurance to pay for it. I know
    this cuz on Dec 26 of 2020 i went 100 ft from my house n a neighbor pulled out backwards n hit me good
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