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BMW dealer mishaps


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2019
De Luz Heights, California
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After I had the dealer here in SoCal (not naming names) perform the front brake recall on my 2016 C650 Sport I noticed the 'service' message re-appeared on the dash. Now I was sure I had reset it with the Motoscan app two months earlier, when I had performed the service myselfso, this morning I set out to reset it again, only to find that the dealer tech, when doing the brake recall, had broken two lower tabs on one of the tupperware pieces. Moreover, s/he had failed to put three fasteners back, and cross-threaded several of the screws. I am also pretty sure that dealer had reset the service message to something they liked, rather than the correct date/mileage.
This same dealer had messed up a battery installation once before.
This is partly why I prefer to do repairs and maintenance myself, if at all possible.
Onto Ebay to try and find replacement tupperware ...
@Ceesie76 :

I think you should name names, as a contribution to the community here. If some folks chime in with, "Hey, I had a great experience there," I think we can all make up our own minds. By contrast, if folks chime in with, "Yeah, they did a bad job on my bike, too," then we have some confirmation. Either way, I think it's worth noting (even if I'm on the other coast, but there are a lot of riders in your neck of the woods).
There's no better way to kill off a forum than to let people bitch and moan about being injusticized by dealers and other businesses.
Obviously, I disagree with your assessment.

How do you feel about members' praising a dealership that did, in their opinion, exceptional work (as opposed to bitching and moaning about one they did not like)? Do you feel that, too, is forum-killing, vs. being useful to members? Just trying to get a better handle on your thoughts here, i.e., that's a real question I have for you, not a rhetorical one.
After I had the dealer here in SoCal (not naming names) perform the front brake recall on my 2016 C650 Sport I noticed the 'service' message re-appeared on the dash. Now I was sure I had reset it with the Motoscan app two months earlier, when I had performed the service myselfso, this morning I set out to reset it again, only to find that the dealer tech, when doing the brake recall, had broken two lower tabs on one of the tupperware pieces. Moreover, s/he had failed to put three fasteners back, and cross-threaded several of the screws. I am also pretty sure that dealer had reset the service message to something they liked, rather than the correct date/mileage.
This same dealer had messed up a battery installation once before.
This is partly why I prefer to do repairs and maintenance myself, if at all possible.
Onto Ebay to try and find replacement tupperware ...
This account does not describe how Ceesie76 went back to the dealer each time the dealer messed up and presented the problems that the service dept. caused, and what the dealer's response was each time.
IMHO you have to give the dealer an opportunity to make everything right before taking the stories to other people.
DrCohen, are the dealers not supposed to be professional, competent and capable people? The story of our group member paints a totally different picture.
Personally I would not have hesitated disgracing the dealer, because I would praise when and if it is due.
DrCohen, are the dealers not supposed to be professional, competent and capable people? The story of our group member paints a totally different picture.
Personally I would not have hesitated disgracing the dealer, because I would praise when and if it is due.
Attacking the dealer before allowing them a chance to make good is, IMHO, unfair. It is also self-defeating, because the customer is throwing away their chance to have the dealer correct the problem.
Wow, did not intend to start this polemic. I just wanted to report my experience but not to the point of naming and shaming,
The first time I went to this dealer for some warranty work, who then messed up the battery installation, I responded to a central BMW satisfaction survey that I wasn't all that pleased. To which I then received a phone call from the servei manager, who acknowledged they had had a problem with one of the techs and they, he said, had meanwhile fired him.
The only reason I went back the second time (I had already decided not to take the Sport back to them for any maintenance or repairs), was to respond to the repeated letters urging me to have the front brake hose recall done. A recall is something I can't do myself, at least not in a way that will be reflected in the bike's records. That's when the second issue occurred (broken tabs, missing and cross-threaded fasteners, re-set service message). I don't think I will gain anything from calling that same service manager and complain. Most likely scenario is he asks me to bring the bike in so they can have a look and maybe replace the tupperware and some fasteners. They are some 25 miles away and this would take me a half day, I may have to leave it with them, arrange other transportation, then later go back to collect etc etc, as well as risk them actually doing more damage. Not worth my time, and I had already decided never to go back there.
There is another dealer I could go to, but they are also some 20 miles away and I can do whatever needs doing faster (and a whole lot cheaper) myself.
Appreciate all the comments and debate; in hindsight, I wish I had just not posted this, I like this forum a lot and the last thing I would want to do is cause irritation etc.