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Long Wait Times for Service


Active member
Aug 16, 2022
Sandy, Utah USA
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I bought my CE-04 last August and have of course done the 600 mile service. Soon after, the bike started popping up a notice that I need yet another service check for the brakes, which is apparently at the year mark. I finally called to make an appointment and ... the next appointment available is two months out on October 14th. That's definitely one of the drawbacks of this bike - only BMW can service it and only they can turn off the annoying service warning. Thankfully, after this, it shouldn't pester me about service for another few thousand miles. I really don't get why BMW doesn't have a menu option to turn off the warning. Anyone know a painless way to turn it off myself? It's not just having to manually remove the warning message box every time you start the bike, but the little warning light stays permanently on the right side.
I bought my CE-04 last August and have of course done the 600 mile service. Soon after, the bike started popping up a notice that I need yet another service check for the brakes, which is apparently at the year mark. I finally called to make an appointment and ... the next appointment available is two months out on October 14th. That's definitely one of the drawbacks of this bike - only BMW can service it and only they can turn off the annoying service warning. Thankfully, after this, it shouldn't pester me about service for another few thousand miles. I really don't get why BMW doesn't have a menu option to turn off the warning. Anyone know a painless way to turn it off myself? It's not just having to manually remove the warning message box every time you start the bike, but the little warning light stays permanently on the right side.
The service manager at my BMW dealership said that warning message only can be changed by them, but in the meantime if the warning annoys, just jiggle the selection ring back-and-forth perpendicular to the handlebar a couple times and the warning message should disappear. I can easily ignore the little warning logo light that stays on, on the right side as well.

Hardly use the brakes because 90% of the time I ride in ECO mode and the brakes barely are used because of the strong regeneration in that mode. A year break check for me would be quite ridiculous because I’ve hardly used them. So for now, if the brakes are working nominally, that’s my break check.

I’m planning to do most of the service issues myself my because of my innate frugality, the long distance to my dealership, the costs & time wasted associated to drag my bike on a rental trailer down and back 300+ miles, and the high costs per hour of BMW dealership labor.

My plan is not to have them see this bike literally for years, if I can help it.
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