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Slipped cam chain.

Sep 26, 2018
southern california
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Recently my scooters intake camshaft slipped 7 teeth along the cam chain, resulting in no compression. The dealer did not replace any parts. Now
I am wondering if this will happen again, especially when I am on the freeway?
Hopefully the dealer addressed whatever caused the slip (chain tensioner? Not familiar with how the tension is set, sometimes the tensioner is adjustable, so if the dealer did not replace any parts, I would hope that is how the addressed it). Either way, losing power due to slipped chain won't be different than if your battery connection suddenly comes loose (happened to me a couple of times, PO had not installed the replacement battery properly).
if both of you had your cam chain slip off and you didn't suffer catastrophic damage, you are extremely lucky! The cam chain tensioners on certain bikes 12'-14' are under recall and may be replaced at BMW's expense. I just had to have my 14' (not under the recall) cam tensioner replaced to the newer Hydraulic model because my tensioner was starting to fail. If your chain slips and throughs the timing off, the valves and pistons collide and ruin the engine completely unfixable outside of engine replacement. I strongly suggest you look into getting it fixed, my was a $1000 but better than the $7000 engine replacement on a bike worth $4500.
If you are hearing a "rattling" noise from the engine, do not ride it. Unfortunately, it will be become a very expensive paperweight if you continue to do so.
if both of you had your cam chain slip off and you didn't suffer catastrophic damage, you are extremely lucky! The cam chain tensioners on certain bikes 12'-14' are under recall and may be replaced at BMW's expense. I just had to have my 14' (not under the recall) cam tensioner replaced to the newer Hydraulic model because my tensioner was starting to fail. If your chain slips and throughs the timing off, the valves and pistons collide and ruin the engine completely unfixable outside of engine replacement. I strongly suggest you look into getting it fixed, my was a $1000 but better than the $7000 engine replacement on a bike worth $4500.
If you are hearing a "rattling" noise from the engine, do not ride it. Unfortunately, it will be become a very expensive paperweight if you continue to do so.
Was a the cam chain tensioner you had replaced with the hydraulic one the origional or the replacemt for the origional
I have 2013 and my bike was fixed under recall back in the day 6 years ago the one they put in was still a mechanical one like your old one. Last week was the first time I heard of a hydrolic one. As my replacement has failed
I recently had the hydraulic tensioner installed. My 2014 had the “newer” mechanical tensioner installed at time of manufacturing. It failed at under 5000 miles. Cost for the hydraulic tensioner may run you around $1000 but without it the bike is just a big paperweight because it isn’t rideable.
I realize it is a paper weight back in the early days 2013 a few engines were replaced, the dealers just gave new bikes away instead of fixing. I am buying the parts (I got the tensioner last week and that is when I heard the system was changed) now I have to order the rest of the parts. This sucks