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Trailer Hitch

I am going to place a few calls in with some companies. I'll post the results here. I'm sure I can't be the only BMW scooter owner who is curious about this...

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I will fabricate a hitch for my Sport in the future. The hitch for my Silverwing was almost done, but, I traded the bike and now have to start over. I have all the parts for a trailer, just have to find the time. The priority is low as I travel as a solo rider, for two up touring it is a good way to go. I am working on a top box mount now, and will probably build side racks next. My last project, a mount for GPS, radio, and antenna is finished, and I will post a picture in "projects and mods" soon. Scooters a lot smaller then a Sport tow trailers.
I don't know about BMW but Honda doesn't approve of trailer towing and can void a warranty because of that. I have no doubt that the 650 or 600 could easily tow a light trailer but it's going to be tricky designing a hitch low enough unless you want some kind of gooseneck tongue on the trailer because there isn't much to attach to low on the bike. The only possibility I can see would be the possibility of added wear on the CVT belt. Not a lot but some increase. I saw a black B650 on I5 heading North a couple weeks ago hauling a trailer with a tail bag and top box on it. He was solo so must feel the need to carry a lot of stuff with him. Fellow with him was on a Can Am reverse trike. I would have preferred to be on the B650 rather than the Can Am.