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going small to big, any learning tools?

Don't freak yourself out about the bike it is very well balanced I can get the bike down to 1/2 to 1 mph and still have my feet on the floor boards. Just take your time and you will get the balance of the bike and how it reacts. If you blip the throttle it will reingage the cvt We have quite a lot of hills where I live and I blip the throttle going down hill and use the engine braking in the residential areas. Duck walk your bike until you get use to how it acts if you have to make a tight turn in a parking lot etc. Good luck with your new ride
Well down here, if you pass the MSF Riding Evaluation, you don't have to take the State-approved road test. Back before that was true, however, I used to tell my students that when they were taking their road test, before they took off again they should make sure they put their right foot to the ground first.

Hey, we also teach them to stop with the bike in first gear holding in the clutch, but when I took my road test whether your bike had turn signals or not, you HAD to use hand signals at Stop signs if you were going to turn. That means you had to put the bike into neutral first, so you that means you were sitting there like a big fat target with your bike in neutral, your shifting foot on the ground and your hand away from the clutch. Might as well put a big "HIT ME" sign on your back, too.

Like I said, the State test was designed by people who didn't know a thing about riding motorcycles. Things have gotten better, but...
I took my new 650 for a first ride this afternoon. All of my experience is with a MUCH smaller scoot, a Yamaha Vino 125. The power the 650 has makes it totally different, cornering is not too unnerving but wrestling it around, i.e., trying to push it backward while sitting on it, etc. is quite an eye opener. I have long enough legs that at least I am flat footed at a stop. I will keep checking it out and hopefully get more comfortable soon.
Interesting as at rider training here in Toronto they preached both feet on the ground. If you stopped during the test and they saw it there was one foot only it was a potential one point loss. One point was not deadly as you had to go 13 or higher to fail overall. Canadians like to be a bit more stable overall with both feet firmly planted!!!!! :cool::cool::cool:

Putting two feet down on a bike like the GS is almost impossible for shorter riders