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Hand Guards

Have not. But I really like the looks of the first ones you have listed and think they would look great on my white scooter. My problem is that the ones I tried hit my aftermarket windshield and these look like they would not be any better. (Maybe worse) I was very skeptical about AliExchange but, many people were purchasing from them on the Honda Trail 125 forum so I decieded to give them a chance. They were much cheaper than Amazon. So I have purchased 2 items from them for a Honda Trail 125 that I purchased for my niece. Both Items were as advertised and fit perfectly. I saved money on both. The shipping was about 2 weeks on one item and 3 weeks on the other but man they sent me a lot of emails letting me know where the items were and when they expected them to be delivered. I paid a lot more for the hand guards I got that don't look as nice. I'm temped to order them just because I like them more than the ones I paid a lot more money for. If you try them let us know what you think.
I also put on the hand guard yesterday. It's from Aliexpress. The quality is quite good, and it looks good.
Oh, and I also installed a rear wheel fender. This way the engine compartment will not get muddy.IMG_1100.webp



I took the gloves off. They look good, but they are not practical. There are 2 reasons. The first is that I have an oem bmw large windshield and I couldn't lock the steering wheel because I couldn't turn the steering wheel away from it. The second is that the aerodynamics have completely changed. He somehow threw the wind right on my chest. It was very confusing and uncomfortable. I didn't even expect these things. The product itself is super quality, worth the price, but it didn't work for me. But maybe someone doesn't mind these things.
I just wrote down my experience in case it helps someone.
I installed the Wunderlich handguards. They are pricey but the best performing guards I have had on any bike I have owned. They are a few MMs away from touching the screen.
Great, use them.
I complained about the defenders on Aliexpress and they returned the money. Now they are good for garage decoration :)

I removed my recently added Wunderlich handguards today. That's my preference (see my post 16 in https://www.bmw-scooters.com/threads/first-modifications.3291/ if you're curious), and not relevant to this post. My point here, instead, is that I took some pics this morning, while putting things back to stock, that I hope folks installing handguards may find useful. These pertain to the Wunderlich guards, but may also be relevant to other brands.

1) You may want to note the gap between the clamps and the switchgear.

Because you will be loosening these clamps, you may wind up moving them sideways. The stock gap (which is relevant to the openings in the handlebar cover, although there is extra room in that piece of plastic) is about 13mm:

handguard 1.webp
handguard 2.webp

(I could tell where this was today, when I was putting things back, because I looked for -- and found -- a very straight line of road dust, etc., which had accumulated in the last year, next to where those clamps had resided.)

2) You may want to first note the angle of the levers that you've been comfortable with.

Again, because you will be loosening the clamps that hold the levers in place, you may want to measure that angle. With the handlebars centered, pick a point -- say, the major bend in the levers, and a right-angle position on the grips, e.g.:

handguard 3.webp

Because you won't be able to slide that kind of inclinometer in position with the handguards in place, you may want to resort to some kind of flat edge, e.g., a ruler, a level, etc.:

handguard 4.webp

You may have to adjust those angles in order for proper handguard clearance of whatever windscreen you have on, with the handlebars at full lock, but at least you'll have a baseline to work with, to know how much you're changing the angle, and so forth.

And note that this angle may be different between the left and right levers -- there's not perfect symmetry in the layout here -- so measure both sides.

3) Make sure the bottom clamp bolt is snug.

As I wrote in post 18 in https://www.bmw-scooters.com/threads/first-modifications.3291/, I think the problem I had with not being able to fully tighten the left clamp was because the bottom bolt in it was too loose. The Wunderlich guards replace the top clamp bolt, which you then tighten up a bunch. But in order for that to really lock the clamp (and everything connected to it) in place, I think the bottom bolt has to be seated pretty well first, i.e., just barely allowing the clamp to rotate to your desired position, before completely tightening that top replacement bolt.

That's all I got.
Now on the bike - was a piece of cake to fit to mine (2021 C400X) as no drilling required. Will see how well it performs on the commute next week.


Also fitted the AliExpress handguards yesterday, along with a light smoke screen I bought from there too - I like the look of it, but yet to use both at motorway speeds so will see what they’re like on the commute this week. Question for those in the UK - would the hand guards hitting the screen be a MOT failure? As mine do slightly (but not enough for me to worry about when riding the bike).

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Now on the bike - was a piece of cake to fit to mine (2021 C400X) as no drilling required. Will see how well it performs on the commute next week.

View attachment 5210

Also fitted the AliExpress handguards yesterday, along with a light smoke screen I bought from there too - I like the look of it, but yet to use both at motorway speeds so will see what they’re like on the commute this week. Question for those in the UK - would the hand guards hitting the screen be a MOT failure? As mine do slightly (but not enough for me to worry about when riding the bike).

View attachment 5209

Does the fender help keep the area under the seat cleaner? Does it interfere with the flex case?

Please post photos with the flex case opened.

Does the fender help keep the area under the seat cleaner? Does it interfere with the flex case?

Please post photos with the flex case opened.

I can't speak for @ccr32 nor his '21 C 400 X, but I can address your question regarding my '23 C 400 GT.

Just a couple of days ago, I added this to the caption in my gallery's current last pic (https://billanddot.com/C400GT/#S-179):

By the way, if anyone's wondering about this: yes, when the flexcase is fully deployed when the bike's parked, with my XXL Nolan N100-5 modular helmet stowed in there, the bottom of the case rests atop the new mudguard. It does so gently at full extension; that is, the case becomes fully extended as it is just making contact with the mudguard. This is not an issue, and once the flexcase is retracted the mudguard is unaffected.

And I just took a couple of pics for you, with the flexcase up, and then with the flexcase down (with my Nolan N100-5 modular helmet, size XXL, actually in it, and the seat latched closed):

Flexcase up 2.webp

Flexcase down 2.webp

EDIT ADDITION: Oh, by the way, I haven't ridden in the rain since I added the fender -- I only do that on multi-day out-of-town trips -- but I'm assuming it helps keep things cleaner underneath.
Bill, thank you for the quick response!

I’m going add a fender to my C400GT. Would you have the url for fender from AliExpress?

Bill, thank you for the quick response!

I’m going add a fender to my C400GT. Would you have the url for fender from AliExpress?


And check out the entire thread on that fender/mudguard, with installation tips, etc.:
